Unreal Aussies is a community of Oceanic-based gamers who come from all walks of life and play a wide variety of games.

Every year we run a live streamed charity drive and we choose beyondblue since many people in our community are affected by anxiety and depression or know someone who is. This year we have the privilege of having Checkpoint esports Arcade & Bar hosting our event.

Tune in live on Saturday 27th July over at https://twitch.tv/UnrealAussies from 10am AEST or come watch in person at Checkpoint Esports in Surfers Paradise.

You can donate to our campaign here: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/unrealaussies2019

We’ve run 3 events for Beyond Blue so far and raised a total of over $8000 for the charity. Last year alone we raised a whopping $5,320. This year we want to up our game and we’re attempting to raise $10,000 AUD for this great charity.

You can view the Facebook event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/683141615446363/

Our Sponsors and Partners so far

Major Sponsors:
TechLink IT Solutions

Peritum Studios

JustGiving, Checkpoint esports Arcade & Bar

Giveaway Partners:
Logitech G ANZ, Fusion Escape Rooms

Thank you for helping Unreal Aussies supporting beyondblue!