- 1Why do it?
- 2To join our group and have your donations count toward our tally:
- 3What to expect:
- 3.1What happens then?
- 3.2What restrictions apply?
- 4The 3 types of blood donation:
- 4.1Whole Blood:
- 4.2Plasma:
- 4.3Platelets:
- 5The best way to donate - the simple version:
- 6The best way to donate - the complicated version:
- 7uA donor stories:
The best way to donate – the simple version:
- Type AB are the universal donor for plasma, that is, 100% of people can receive their plasma while only 3% can receive their RBC. Although platelets from Type AB will not harm any patient, they are usually killed off by the patient’s immune system and rendered only partially effective. Therefore plasma is the product most desired from this blood type.
- Type B can give plasma to 59% of the population, but RBC and platelets to only 13%. Therefore the most desired product from this blood type is plasma.
- Type A can give plasma to 87% of the population and RBC to 41%. Platelets from A1 (80% of Type A) can go to 41% of the population while platelets from A2 (20% of Type A) can go to 87%, this is theoretical however, as no case of haemolysis has every been documented from platelet transfusion from a Type A to an incompatible patient. Therefore All products are desired from this blood type.
- Type O is the universal donor for RBC, that is, 100%. Plasma and platelets have to go to other type O, which is fortunately 49% of the population. Therefore all products are desired from this blood type.
The best way to donate – the complicated version:
- Sometimes, especially around holiday periods, lots of people go away on vacation and cancel their appointments. Unfortunately, these are also the periods with the most accidents and sometimes it means we run short on supplies. Always try to keep an appointment just before or during the holidays, even try to book one so that it happens just before you go away. The nurses will avoid asking you to do this because they’re afraid of you cancelling, so take the initiative and do it yourself. Or just let them know it’s what you want and they’ll help you out. It might mean changing from one type of donation to another, but it’s easy to figure out.
- Type B can give RBC and platelets to 13% of the population. Since plasma keeps for a year while the other products expire much sooner, sometimes it’s desirable for type B whole blood or platelets around long weekends and holidays. Ask the nurses if there’s another product desired more and sometimes they might just say yes, even though usually plasma is the way to go. If you’ve done a platelet donation before and gave over 500 Billion platelets, then it could come in handy another time. However, if you’re only putting out 240 Billion, then the benefits are much less.
- As a type B, if your regular plasma donation only goes to 400ml, then it is beneficial to replace one plasma donation every 12 weeks with a whole blood donation. It means you get 3 weeks off but instead of supplying 800ml of plasma in that 4 weeks, instead you’re giving 250ml plasma, 210ml packed RBC and 60 Billion platelets. It’s a pretty even trade and you save yourself a visit.
- Type O and A, if your platelet donation never goes above 350 Billion but your plasma donation is hitting 900ml every time, consider swapping out a platelet donation for plasma. Or better still, occasionally swap out a whole blood donation for an additional 2 plasma donations. 900ml is a lot of plasma and it makes so many more products, it’s hard to justify a single whole blood donation when you could have given 1800ml.
- Type -, whatever blood type, if it’s of the negative variety and especially if you have been pregnant before, it’s possible your plasma has some special properties that will help other people who are RhD negative. After a few donations, check with your nurses if you should adjust your donation types. It might make no difference, but it’s worth a shot.
- Male type O and A, if your platelet donation is over 600 Billion, then it might be more desirable to completely drop the whole blood donation and just alternate plasma and platelets every fortnight. 600 Billion platelets is out of this world and considering that no female can donate them along with 13% of all males, if your platelet donation really does go this high then it’s something you should prioritise. Of course, if you’re type AB or B, then it’s almost never worth sacrificing your plasma, and even if you are type A or O, if your platelets aren’t higher than 500 Billion then chances are, your RBCs are worth just as much, so don’t drop the whole blood donations unless you’re pumping out over 600 Billion and you ask the nurses first if it’s a good idea. The area they service may still have it’s own requirements.
uA donor stories:
I’ve donated all three kinds. I like whole blood because it’s often done in just under 5 minutes but i also like platelets because i just sit around for 90 minutes and get treated like royalty. My plasma donations go to exactly 900ml and my platelets put out 580 billion. I’ve been doing it for years and happy to have it count towards the uA tally from 2016 onwards.
Agamemnus has a passion for gaming and an eye for tech. You can see him streaming occasionally on and catch him on the Unreal Aussies Discord. Evidence > Opinion.