SWTOR is a story-driven MMORPG game set in the large universe of Star Wars, in this game you will choose between two factions, the Galactic Republic and the Imperial Empire, before embarking on your own story. Just like other Bioware game, such as the Mass Effect series, players are enveloped in an immersive and exciting story, where players will be able to play their character their own way. With full voice acted cut scenes, excellent banter, and tough choices, players can go from a sweet-talking smuggler to a murderess, merciless mercenary, you decide.
When you first load up SWTOR you will be greeted with the character creation screen where you would have to pick between the two factions, whether you pick the corrupt Galactic Republic or the ruthless Imperial Empire, there are a few things you will need to consider when choosing between them. First of all, there aren’t any major differences between the two factions other than their class stories and, the look and feel of the character, both of the factions classes are mirrored on both sides the only difference being their names and animations of the abilities. There are eight different class stories and each class has two advanced classes that you will have to choose between.
After you have selected a faction and decided which class to begin with, you will then be able to start customising your character, beginning with your race. Now choosing your race won’t have much of an impact in the grand scheme of things and is mainly for cosmetic purposes. Most of the races will be locked for you, but you will be able to unlock these races later on with credits, or you can pay money to unlock them quicker via the cartel in-game shop. After selecting your race all that’s left is to finish customising your character and embark on your adventure.
You will start on one of four starting planets, where you will learn the basics of SWTOR, I recommend not rushing through this location especially if you are “Free to Play” as you will require as much experience as you can get. This starting zone is supposed to at least get you to level ten, but with all the quests you can get between levels 13-20, which will give you a good lead into the other planets. This area will also start you off on you class story, where you will begin to shape the personality of your character as well as make a start down the track of the Light Side or the Dark Side of the Force.
SWTOR is a beautiful game, with lots of interesting things to experience and explore, with rewarding late game progressing, Player vs Player combat, Flashpoints, and Operations. Get ready to hit the hyper lanes and immersive yourself in this fantastic universe. May the force be with you!
End Note:
Hey there, I’m Bfea or Bphea to some, I’ve been playing SWTOR for many years now and loved every moment of it. If you are unsure about picking up this game, or want some more information, or advice, feel free to contact me in the Unreal Aussies discord.